
I discovered recently someone I know personally has unfriended and even blocked me on FB. We weren’t close friends but I can’t ever remember having a falling out of any sort. Granted, I didn’t even notice said person had unfriended me for quite some time.  The only recollection I have is that he and I often had slightly different political views. We disagreed a few times but it was never mean or rude. He would get rather upset with anyone who didn’t agree with him. I’m left to assume he got mad because I disagreed on something and blocked me. Oh well. He was clearly missed. /sarcasm

This last week I noticed I’ve also been unfriended a few times by folks who didn’t agree with my views on current events. It seems to be a growing theme on social media. Basically, people don’t want debate, they only want supporting comments or views that reinforce their own. Then they get super upset or bent out of shape if someone disagrees with them. If you don’t want comments from people who might disagree, either don’t allow comments or don’t post it.

For myself, if you can’t handle debate then I’m sure we wouldn’t be friends in real life anyway. Successful discourse  requires two way communication not just pontification of your own thoughts. I usually try to keep my discussions to the topic at hand without any personal attacks. I also try to refrain from name-calling and inflammatory comments. I say ‘try’ because even I lose my shit sometimes.

Anyway, I’m off topic a bit. If you friend someone  you don’t really know on social media, you shouldn’t be overly surprised if they don’t always fall in line with your view of things. Barring said personal attacks mentioned above, you should try to converse and debate vs just writing them off and unfriending them. You, or they, might learn something. You also have the added benefit of developing a deeper understanding of your own belief. Teaching or explaining concepts to others forces you to better understand it for yourself.

4 thoughts on “UnFriend”

  1. I’m not sure how I feel about unannounced unfriending.

    A longtime, good friend (or so I thought) unfriended me and my husband. I was pretty close to this person for 20 years. Allegedly, according to other friends, he blocked me bc I make “inappropriate comments” from time to time.

    While that “may” be, I’m rarely that bad. My husband, not at all. And half of his ‘friends’ are drunken and drugged out drag queens, so I know that excuse was a lie. So not only could he not be honest with me about a drop in friendship, had to lie about it to others.

    Cowards are what they are.

  2. Being unfriended because you have a different opinion IS pure cowardice. People prefer to stay in their own echo chamber of crazy. If their whole bubble world reality is shattered by others and they must snuff them out, then perhaps they should question whether it is them themselves living in Bizarro World.

  3. I recently (re)posted an image of two men kissing and some statement supporting equal access to marriage. I (eventually) noticed that someone completely stopped following me, commenting, or “liking” anything I post. She didn’t officially unfriend me, but the effect is the same…I was (and am) bummed. Interesting that you bring the topic up now. Social media…can’t live with it, can’t live without it…or can we? I keep thinking about just completely vacating the FB universe.

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