5 thoughts on “Vid Bid 3”

  1. Moby.. Moby… Moby… I cannot believe you didn’t put on at least SPF 30 for your first layout of the Summer. Baby… you were Casper the Ghost white. What were you thinking?! Boy…

  2. Awww…you’re so sweet and thoughtful. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy…or is that John pressing up against me? ;o)

  3. Great video,moby. And you did look pretty red there from the sunburn. Hope that it cools down a little bit. And you slept through the eathquake? You must be very tired there. 🙂

  4. Interesting video. Next time move the camera further back from you. Waaaaay back. There’s no reason I should think you were nekkid. Is there? ha That sounds like will be a great ride. Awesome!

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