
Please read this entire blurb before adding your email

#1 Subscibe 

Subscription means you sign up to receive a notification by email every time I update the blog. Simply add your email below. You can unsubscribe here at anytime. Your email is hidden so it is not available for harvest by net bots. You can also opt to subscribe to individual posts via the reply box for comments. Note: Subscribing here is not the same as registering as a user. I make a concerted effort to include my inflection and style of speech in my writings. You do not need to be a registered user to subscribe.



#2 Register

Registration as a user includes the subscription service above and the added benefit of subscribing by category. There are private sections of my blog that I also offer to registered users. The latter requires a direct email from you to which I will reply.

#3 RSS

RSS is easiest. You simply add my feed to your favorite reader. You get push updates based on your personal user settings in your feed reader. I do monitor RSS use and it is the most often used method of access to my site.