What would I do if I won the lotto

Ya know, my partner and I joke around a lot about what we’d do if we won the lotto. Today, I was thinking what would I really do if I won? The obvious, I’d pay off all my debt, my partners, and most of my closets friends. I’d buy a house or two in key places in the US that I like to visit. Then what? The next obvious…I’d give loads away to charity. (Notice the order that charity comes in) Its my blog so gotta be honest right? The more I thought about it, I seem to come up w/more things I wouldn’t do.

I wouldn’t buy a mansion or a house that would require more than 2 people to clean it. On that same note, I wouldn’t buy a house so big that I’d have to isolate myself from my neighbors. I wouldn’t buy more than 2 cars. I mean, how many cars does one really need? I’d probably settle on a hybrid truck and a nice sports car.

I wouldn’t try to go to every who’s who event in town. I’m just not that type of person. I’m very outgoing, spontaneous, and definitely know how to work a room. That said, I do it for pure interaction not so I can be seen.

I guess the point I’m trying to make is I wouldn’t change my life so much that I no longer connected with the world around me. Our interaction w/others is what teaches us and keeps us human. Call me silly, but thats what I’d do….