3 thoughts on “Podcast from Home”

  1. …..I don’t know what to write. People will think this is very strange. My father, with whom I was very close, passed away last February. How many brothers do you have? I have four, but only talk to two since my father’s death. OK, I’m better. It is soooo cool that you are connecting with your family. I’m seriously considering starting to write a blog of my own.

  2. I’m glad your connecting well with your brothers within the last few months and hope it stays that way throughout the rest of your life , I just hope they still like me after visiting them with my “WHITE LEVIS” on, after LABOR DAY. !!!!!

  3. Jeff, thats scary. I have 4 brothers 3 sisters all of which I am close to 2 of the brothers w/a distant third. My father also passed in February.

    Bobby, lol I’m sure they’ve forgotten all about it by now. lol

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