Rewind & Review

still chugging along

First, a big thank you to everyone for the kind words and support. I’m not upset or angry as much as disappointed. I liked him so of course it stung a little. Even though I think his method was a bit callous, I appreciate him saying up front he wasn’t interested. It saved both of us a lot of unnecessary drama later.

Brettcajun made an interesting comment I feel bears review. His point about self-analysis was very astute, with one minor modification. This was not about what I did wrong. And while I did spend some time going over what transpired, I meant what I said and said what I meant. I regret nothing.

Not always being the most introspective person, it has taken me years to develop a strong sense of self and I have learned to value that. I am somewhat proud to say, now more than ever, I recognize in myself what it is I do and do not have to offer potential partners. I am learning to value that as well. On the other side of the coin, I also have a firm idea what is I want and need from someone else. And frankly, I am not willing to forgo that just to have a partner. [1]been there, done that, still have the t-shirt

So yeah, I’m a little miffed things didn’t go better but ultimately, it is for the best.


1 been there, done that, still have the t-shirt

7 thoughts on “Rewind & Review”

  1. Very well put. Sounds like you're well on your way down the trail of learning, practicing, working it all through. All my best.

  2. "On the other side of the coin, I also have a firm idea what is I want and need from someone else. And frankly, I am not willing to forgo that just to have a partner."

    And that would be why I'm also single. I'm not compromising my core values and needs just to have the same warm body next to me at night.

  3. Good for you! That is surely the right way to deal with situation. At least, the guy did not act like Modonna to announce only on his Twitter!

  4. I'm with you. My ex and I recently ended our three-year relationship because we weren't meeting each others' needs. It's hard, yes. I moved out, am staying with friends, and miss our dog terribly. But I'm taking the opportunity to look for jobs in other states and just see where I end up.

    Life is too short to settle. I think my biggest accomplishment in life is changing from a timid, very dependent child into a man with a strong sense of self-awareness who isn't afraid to pick up and leave the familiar for other places that may (or may not) hold something better for me.

  5. Good for you Moby. Glad you're doing well. I see those eyes are as beautiful as ever. Good Friday to you.

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