Status Quo

After my last rant, someone asked how things w/TFA and I were since I referenced some playtime. Because of our schedules and an illness in his family, I won’t see him again till January. Yes, it bothers me but it is what it is. We also both work jobs where we work holidays. Translation? We are both busy this time of year. The upside, he is moving back to domestic flights in January which will give him a lot more flexibility to pull trips to SF. I will admit my feelings for him as altered my playtime somewhat. Having very connected sex w/someone vs just having sex is different obviously. I tend to have less of the latter in expectation of the first. However, there are times when the mood strikes and simply will not be denied. And having a strong libido it is a given. OY!

As to the implication behind the question, no we are not monogamous. I’ve never been big on that anyway. Considering we live in different cities and only see each other about once a month right now, not really fair to impose such a restriction even if we were. Yes, he knows. I’m about honesty and communication vs enforcing blind rules of obedience. Besides, jealousy is so not my color!

7 thoughts on “Status Quo”

  1. Good for you! Honesty and communication are the foundations of all good relationships! As long as you two agree on what works for you, more power to ya! I can say, for a second, I wondered the same, but know you are smarter than the average Joe and, wanting this to work, figured you were open, honest, and up front about your wants and needs and that there was an understanding.
    Really, it is none of my business the how or why. As my friend, I just want you to be happy, and trust you know best how to make that happen!

  2. Heh. I just assumed you and TFA had discussed being in an open relationship because you couldn’t possibly expect him to not find out about a hookup you mentioned on your blog.

  3. Wait, Moby. How can he not be reading your blog? You mean there’s actually ONE person on this planet who’s not noisy and come here a few times a day to gos up about your life??? INSANE!

    And no guys, his colour (yes, I’m Canadian) is metallic pink.

  4. Thanks for your candor, quite refreshing. Its so cool that you and TFA have an open honest relationship. I would however like to hear some more thoughts on your definition of “monogamy” and why you don’t subscribe to it. Lately I have found that quite of number of men don’t beleive that its even exists. Thoughts?

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