I’ve Gone & Done It!

Dell Inspiron 9200

I’ve gone and done it. I got a flier in the mail today for Dell. So, I went online, filled out the application and was approved. I should be receiving my Dell Inspiron 9200 within about 5 days. Just in time for Christmas! All things considered I think I deserve it.

I’ve been dying to get a laptop for the last 2 years now. I put it off due to having to support myself and the ex while he wasn’t working. Truth be told, I probably didn’t pick the best time to get one. However, I’m tired of always putting off my needs for the needs of others. 2005 is gonna be the year I start putting my needs first for a change. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t plan on going all selfish. I just think its high time I take care of myself for a bit.

Granted, I’m putting it on credit but I’m never gonna be out of debt so whats a few more bucks. Besides, if I ever need too, there is always overtime available at work. Plus, if the promotion does come thru sooner than later, that will only speed things up a bit.