Joyful Noise

Yesterdays rant was a bit draining on me but I’m glad I posted it. It was the last tragedy of my childhood and it gives you a great insight into why I am the way I am now.

I enjoyed this past weekend! I spent a huge chunk of it doing the thing I love most…relaxing and hanging out w/friends. TH and I spent the day Saturday over at San Benita’s Light House on the mainland. The day was sunny and windy and as it turns out the wind got to high and we couldn’t actually cross the small bridge over to the lighthouse. However, we did take some good pics and enjoyed the scenic views. We spent the later part of the afternoon down on black sands beach having a light lunch and good conversation. I so wish we hadn’t lost the great pics we’d taken. Oh well, we’ll just have to get together again and take more.

TH and I had a talk about our budding relationship and where we both stood. Not surprisingly, we were both in agreement that we liked spending time w/each other but, anything serious wouldn’t be wise at this point. It only served to make the day better. Spending time w/TH has made me feel things I wasn’t sure I could feel again. For that I am sincerely grateful to him.

The bad news is we were so wrapped up in good conversation, we somehow managed to lose TH’s new camera. I had forgotten to bring mine as usual. So all the good pics we took were lost along w/his very nice camera. I felt horrible about that and proceeded to do my very best to keep him “preoccupied”. I think I did a pretty good job. *g*

Skipping around a bit, I ran into Tim this past Friday on the subway. He is always whining that I don’t pay him enough attention here so I snapped off a shot of him for all of you. Here he is in all his glory fresh off the subway.

Tim Fresh Off Muni

Tim is from big ole Kentucky and we met “per chance” at the gym when I was still at Gold’s. Being from the South, he is a total character just like me. He is currently going to school to be an attorney. (I know, but we won’t hold that against him)

Sunday, I spent most of the day lounging about. (Thats code for being lazy) Sunday, evening I had dinner w/a couple of guys from work. Rich & Dave. Both are cops and have been together for I believe 12 years now.

Freeze Dirtbag!

They make for really good friends and I am lucky to have them in my life. They got to meet TH and thought very highly of him. I haven’t seen them as of late w/my schedule being so wack. It was good to catch up.

All in all, it was a good weekend. The weather was nice up until last night and the company was even better. Now, if I can just survive another week at work.