Weekend Wanderings

Real quick as I’m at work. The weekend was uneventful but fun. I was originally scheduled to go to a play on Sat. night but due to scheduling problems w/Mostovic and I, it wasn’t in the cards. So instead, we had a nice dinner at a new Thai place on Polk St. Afterwards, we hung out at my place and watched Godzilla (The new version w/Matthew Broderick). Go ahead and laugh but I am a huge Godzilla fan. Mostovic said he wanted to see it so, of course, I had to accommodate his wishes.

Sunday was a whole new ball of wax, jwill write more later.

One thought on “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Glad to hear someone else liked the new Godzilla (the Broderick version)! I thought it was a fun flick.

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