Can You Hear Me Now? Yes!

Activating my old cell was a snap. I walked into Tmobile store, got the new sim chip, called CS and in 10 minutes…bam! It was working again. Still trying to chew down my bitterness overing losing the old one but at least I’m not having to buy a new phone.


3 thoughts on “Can You Hear Me Now? Yes!”

  1. Well – now that you have a new one, trust me, you will probably find the old one. It’s just the way it seems to work. LOL.

  2. We lost a T Mobile in March and the store on South Van Ness gave us an old one to use until we could buy a new one. Very nice people there.

    A little side note. A guy at the next counter was trying to get one and he had no “paperwork” (he obviously had just arrived from a country to the south).

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