Just Where Have You Been Mister!?

Busy Busy Week! Things are finally slowing down. (That and I’ve already beaten the new Ratchet & Clank game once) I had my ride along this past Monday and it was great! An incredible learning experience. I am so hooked! The only downer, we had a paramedic intern as well so I didn’t get to do as much hands-on as I had hoped. Even still, it was great. The medic and EMT I rode with were both really cool and made sure I understood everything. I can’t give specifics obviously but, we had two cardiac patients, two falls, a couple of “man down” calls (usually homeless people sleeping on the street), and a MVA (motor vehicle accident). Sadly, nothing serious. No blood and guts the whole day. It did wear on me though. Twelve hours in the back of the ambulance took its toll. I was pooped by the end of the watch.

Speaking of medics, I’m sitting at the Cove in the Castro and an engine and medic just drove up for a “man down” call. Two of the guys I know. Of which, one is very attractive but very straight. I’m digressing…Having a large homeless population we get lots of calls of this type. Usually no merit due to guys sleeping or drunks wanting a ride to the hospital. Today turned out to be the latter.

Tuesday was class, lecture and practicals as usual. Finals are fast approaching. I’m so excited I can’t wait. I just hope I can find a part time gig as a EMT. (I can’t live on what an EMT makes so has to be part time while I continue to my regular job.) I’ll be super busy but that’s ok because I’ll use it as an excuse to pay off a chunk of my remaining debt. I might be able to flex my schedule at work too. I haven’t asked yet.

Monday, the day of my ride-along, was also Bobbeisha’s birf day. I decided to take him out for some belated shopping and a nice b’day dinner at 2223 Market. I had planned to take pics but I forgot the camera.