Pissing, Moans, & Bitches

After 8 hours of instructing today, I’ve realized my schedule is pushing my physical limits. I’m doing too much. Work, overtime, school, instructing, charities it’s pushing me to exhaustion. If I’m gonna survive the coming months, I need to cut back.

Class ends in three weeks so that’s one less piece to worry about. My work schedule sign-up is coming in just a few days too. To accommodate my coming EMT hours, I have to stay on a 4-10 shift. This just means I won’t be able to go back to weekends off on a 5-8 shift. However, there is a good chance I can snag a Sun/Mon/Tue slot. That would be very much to my liking. Time will tell.

I’m only buying gifts for one person this year so xmas shopping is almost over. I’m also making an effort to get my xmas cards out on time THIS year. Last year, I mailed’em 3 days before christmas. Better late than never right? lol

In other news, I may have found an apt. to move into. It’s close to the Castro like I want. It’s not a done deal yet and it won’t be available till around February. I’m still planning on looking around after xmas for other deals. But it would be really nice if it panned out and I didn’t have to stress over it.

One last bitch before I forget. My favorite bakery, Le Bon Gateaux, has been turned into this freakishly modern coffee/juice shop w/all the comforts of a crack house an std clinic. WTF were they thinking? I give it 6 months before it folds.

But I’m not bitter…