What I Am Thankful For

What am I thankful for this year? Well, I think the easy stuff first. A roof over my head, food in my belly, and a job to keep it that way. (That doesn’t sound like much but there are many who don’t have it.)

I’m also thankful for my health, my friends, my family, and that Dubya hasn’t completely destroyed our way of life (yet). Oh, and I’m thankful for having a big pecker too. (Well, I am.)

I’m working today. Now, I know on first thought that sucks. But for me it’s actually a bonus. For working a holiday, I get paid double time and a half. You just can’t beat that. I also get as much food as I can eat for the bargain basement price of $10.00. We have “feeds” on holidays. Sometimes, we all chip in and bring stuff others we just pay and have food brought in. On big holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, we usually just poney up some dough and have food brought it. Turkey, ham, sides, basically the works! Today is no exception. I work an overlapping shift so I get fantastic food for both lunch and dinner! hehehe.

Speaking of, time to eat! Hope all of you are having a great Turkey day. All my best to each and every one of you.

6 thoughts on “What I Am Thankful For”

  1. Us Louisiana boys have big peckers, don’t we??? I hope to see that big pecker when I come up to San Francisco Moby! Or if not then, when we run off together to FTL and find our old rich sugar daddies to take care of us! 😉

  2. Moby,
    Endowment sizes aside….I would like to have a private converse with you, but I’m having Email problems and I don’t have your private address with me. Could you please Email me.

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