Technical Difficulties

I somehow managed to delete my domain. Don’t ask me how cause I’m still clueless. However, logged on today and discovered it was gone. Along w/it the 11 email accounts based on the extension.


Luckily enough, I don’t really use the domain that much anymore. I’ve migrated everything over to I keep it only to maintain some email accounts that I don’t yet wish to cancel or migrate. My ex still uses two of the email addresses based on this domain so I had to send him a long-winded later explaining what happened. He probably could care less as long as they start working again.

Everything is setup again. I’m still not sure what happened. If you still use my old blog email account using, now is a good time to switch over. (Look in the bottom right column for the accurate one.) I don’t think anyone uses it but just in case….

2 thoughts on “Technical Difficulties”

  1. May you wake up Christmas morning and find something hot, muscular, and sensual in your stocking. Or better yet in your bed.

    Merry Christmas!

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