Blog Updates

I’m tinkering w/adding a “new post notification” plug-in to the blog. This would allow people to sign up for email notifications of a new post on the blog or even receive the entire post by email.

While I am by no means popular in terms of heavy-weight bloggers, I am considering it as not everyone likes to load each and every blog page like I do. Many folks like to use notifications to save them the trouble of clicking each and every blog on their list to see if it has been updated recently.

So, I’m taking comments on how many people are interested in seeing such a feature here. Basically, you’d sign up w/your email address. Everytime I posted to the blog you would receive an email notification or an email of the post.

What say you all?

10 thoughts on “Blog Updates”

  1. Well…I think that would be spectacular. I’m just wondering though what would be the difference of doing that or just having people use the built in RSS feed that can be had for nuttin…

  2. I click on your site several times a day, so receiving emails from your site the minute you post wouldn’t be a biggie to me. Now, I would love *special* pics of you sent to my email every now and then. (tail wagging) ๐Ÿ˜›

  3. No, I think it’s more fun opening you up myself…er, opening your page up myself is what I meant to say!

  4. I’d sign up for it. Hey, shoot me an email so I can take your photo in the Tony t-shirt this week. I have some ideas I’d like to bounce off of you.

    Things have finally settled down to the point where I can breathe.

  5. Wouldn’t that be making it too easy for your readers? I mean cum on, make em work for it! lol. I like the idea of automatic sending of all those hot pics though, drool slurp slurp!

  6. I vote no. I like to check our the man candy that is you (Moby) when I visit. So even if you don’t post I still get to see something.

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