
I get a lot emails asking about having my schedule online. Specifically, how open I am about it. My usual reply is my life isn’t so exciting I can’t allow outside observance. If anything, you get to see just how monotonous my life is at times.

For inquiring minds, I post it this way out of necessity. Being completely absent-minded at times, it makes for a much more punctual Moby. *g* Using my pda/phone, I can log in anytime from anywhere I get a cell connection to check my schedule if need be.

So there you have it. Not so glamorous huh?

7 thoughts on “Schedule”

  1. Moby…
    Can I have your schedule. It’s a hell’uva lot better than mine. Let’s swap. You can come down and attend my classes, do homework, and have no social life, and I’ll work, do cadet training, etc.

    These past two plus years of school have really made me appreciate work and people interaction. I want to be back up in the Bay Area and participating in IBR celebrations.

  2. Oh trust me Tony, I know the feeling. I’m out of school at the moment however, between, work, charities, gym, union, and teaching at two academies no time left over for a social life for me either. I knew that in the beginning so I’m dealing w/it. Luckily enough, I have my 20 or so readers to keep me on my toes!

  3. Hey –

    Moby, what happened to Brett’s “Fullnaked Thursday?” That guy keeps me so entertained! And by the way, I can ‘take’ just as easily – Steve’s mine.

    Ok, I know you told me you had your EMT certificate (since DEC). What academies are you teaching at if you still need to get your ride-along hours in? Curious, if you don’t mind me asking – what charities do you work. Like to move in that direction once school is done in December (if I can make it – fighting burn out right now, real bad!)

    Getting in any of the festivities up there this weekend?

  4. Tony – I teach incoming dispatchers and sometimes PD Cadets how to use the CAD system. (The computer system we use) I’m also involved in training current dispatchers how to handle fire/medical radio channels. (SF is civilianizing Fire/EMS as well now.)

    I do charity work for the SOMA Bare Chest Calendar and the Mr. SF Leather Contest. Mostly technical stuff and web design. I used to do a lot w/Project Open Hand and Under One Roof but I’ve had to cut back on the latter this year.

    I’m doing ride alongs w/the fire dept to get my required hours in so I can go back to school. I also am hoping to switch to EMT work full time in July.

  5. Did you say teaching CAD? That wouldn’t be CAD (Computer Aided Design) by Autodesk?– probably not. But man if it were what I am presently taking, I’d say where do I sign up for tutoring. Fighting like hell to grasp some elements of that software program at the moment. Great that you have been involved in all that charity work!

    Well, I just took in the news of the posting…our Toronto hunk is heading off to Uzbekistan in two weeks. I’m bummed, envious, happy, excited for him all in one. Take a read.

  6. Paydays on tuesdays? You must work for some evil facist corporation. How are you supposed to party on the weekend if you don’t get paid on friday?

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