Morals? Send Out A Search Party

Busy Busy Busy! Oy!

Got quite a few small tasks out of the way over my weekend. Don’t ya hate it when you get so many little tasks that it ends up taking the whole day to take care of’em? blech.

I also had a nice email conversation w/a fellow blogger this morning. That in itself is not newsworthy. I mention it because he said something that totally took me by surprise. He told me he thought I was an incredibly moral person. I was shocked at first because I don’t really see myself that way. Just the opposite in alot of ways actually. Having beat the term itself to death in a previous rant, I see no need to go over that again. But, having never been given a firm moral structure from my parents, I’ve had to seek out my own in life. A task that has been a bit daunting at times. And please don’t confuse my morality w/perfection. I happen to like some of my flaws and have no plans to change’em.

If you read my nonsense w/any regularity, you know that I often ramble about my growing pangs. I guess sometimes it takes an outside perspective to make you see something right in front of your face. I do have morals. And while they may not conform to currently accepted social norm, they serve me well. I call on them every day in one form or another.

Whodda thunk it? Me, moral. Gosh! It boggles the mind.

2 thoughts on “Morals? Send Out A Search Party”

  1. Well Moby, I had no question that you had morals. I could read it in your blog posts. Granted, you’re not a “touchy-feelie” moralist, but you are a strong person who knows where he’s been and where he’s going. That’s all that matters. šŸ™‚

  2. From what I can read you have morals. Just cause you have another side that enjoys naked frivolity with men doesn’t mean you don’t.

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