Body by Moby

Ok, the title was cheesy but hey, cut me some slack. I’m sleep-deprived.

In an effort to keep my promise, I’m starting out w/some very generic helpful advice for first timers in the realm of working out.

Really simple axioms to remember.

1) To lose weight – you must burn more calories than you consume.

2) To build muscle – you must push some sort of heavy weight.

3) Have realistic expectations – body/muscle development is not an over-night process.

If you are truly interested in changing your outward appearance then you need to make changes in your life. My belief is most folks fail because they 1) go overboard and burn out quickly, 2) have very unrealistic expectations or 3) don’t think or follow it thru.

The guy in the pic represents my ideal shape and size. Not huge but not tiny either. Not sure if I’ll ever reach it but hey, that’s the point. The struggle and continued training to get there. My point is to have a goal in your mind. Keep working to you reach it.

Building a better body involves more than just hauling your ass to the gym and working out. It involves diet, resistance training (pushing weights), and consistency. Leave one out and you are doomed to failure. Consistency is always hardest for me due to my schedule. I’d be willing to bet many of you can relate. However, if you truly want to make a better you, some sacrifices need to be made. In the coming weeks, I’ll tackle a specific area above in detail. I’ll also include work out routines that have worked for me. Afterwards, I’ll link’em all together on a sidebar for easy reference. I’ll also try to include realistic pics of guys w/good results.

I consider myself a body-builder. However, most folks associate the term w/massively huge guys who spend 80% of their time in the gym. An extreme but not the norm. Let’s face it, most of us will never see those type of results. A body-builder is someone who bascially builds on their body. Either thru more mass, definition (ripped), or a combo of both.

5 thoughts on “Body by Moby”

  1. Moby…
    Nice intro to building up the body! And I think the title for the section is cool. It works! Look forward to hearing what you have to say on this topic in the coming weeks.

  2. Plus, most of the massively huge guys have had some (or a lot) of extracurricular help from steroids. So, it’s not really possible for most of us to get to that point naturally.

  3. Hey handsome, I’m sure you’ll achieve your goals, I have faith in you bro πŸ™‚ And hell you’ve already got some great musculature on your bod already.. so you’re further along than you may realize πŸ™‚

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