
“This house is clean!” Ok the house isn’t but I’m feeling much better. As expected, after my bout w/Satan and my quick choice to exercise him, I’m back on the mend. Still a little quesy but oh so much better overall. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes.

I did get a new mattress yesterday. I wanted a Spring Air but they are so damn pricey I couldn’t afford it. Instead I opted for a Simmons Beauty Rest. The firm version w/a plush top. It is truly amazing what a good mattress can do for your sleep. I slept thru the whole night w/o waking up tossing/turning once. I woke up feeling very refreshed and w/o the usual stiffness. My debt had to take a hit but that’s ok. I knew it was coming, I’d just been putting it off. I went thru Sleeptrain here in SF. I think they are a chain. When I called, the guy was way more friendly than some of the other vendors I’d already spoken with. He went overboard making sure I understood the difference between types and brands. And they delivered free of charge the same day! You can’t beat that w/a stick!

Oh! My phone came yesterday too. After Kenucky Tim came over and brought me some soup, I felt good enough to trek off to get some errands done. (The domestic chores are still waiting for me. Ugh!) It put me in a good mood though. I came home and started tinkering w/it of course. Tim was like “ok, I can see I’m not wanted anymore” and split. Bless his heart, he was such a saint for bringing me food. He walked 10 blocks to do it too. He also cleaned up my apt a bit. (Besides being a big baby, I’m hella messy when I get sick. Dishes, clothes everywhere!)

Today, I’m taking it easy. I’m going to the gym but taking it easy. I think I’ll just do some light cardio. Don’t wanna over do it. Sadly, I still have chores to do. (No, I’m not procrastinating, why do you say that? :P) I have another busy week coming up so can’t afford not to put’em off. *sigh*

4 thoughts on “Hallelujah!”

  1. “I woke up feeling very refreshed and w/o the usual stiffness.”

    Morning stiffness can sometimes be a good thing 😉

    Sorry — couldn’t resist. Kudos on the new bedding and on getting a good nights rest. Glad to hear you’re feeling better as well. Hope the upswing continues for ya.

  2. Ditto here. Glad your feeling better. New mattress…now get yourself that fetherbed…wait if you are prone to stiff backs, skip the idea. Your public needs you in tip top form…the whinig can be overbearing. HeeHee!

  3. I bet you can’t wait to break the new mattress in. I wonder if you have someone in mind already?

    Good to hear your feeling better.

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