Messy Missy

I’ve realized now why I let the apartment get messy at times. When it’s clean, it becomes painfully obvious how little I actually own. At least when it’s messy, the place looks lived in.

Ok, it was a good try . . .the reality is I’m just lazy. I’m not uber messy or neat really. The pad often goes from clean to a varied state of disarray and back again. It is a never ending struggle. blech!

Why can’t I be rich and have a hot butler?

3 thoughts on “Messy Missy”

  1. The more you own, the more it owns you. I have been getting ride of stuff right and left for 4 years now, and I still have way too much… I recommend keep photos of friends, choice selection of art on the walls, a few good books, and some leather of course..

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