Twinkle, Twinkle…

I’m in good spirits this morning. Even though, I got accused of being a fake today too! Honest Abe! Of course, it doesn’t matter that most of my favorites on the blogroll have already met me. ‘Cause, they are all fakes too. Riiiiiight. The emailer thought his attempt at being anonymous was clever but he sent it from the same IP he normally sends me email from. Tsk tsk tsk. It did give me a laugh though. (I kept thinking of an episode of Star Trek where this Admiral is out to find spies amongst the crew. She even accuses Picard of being one. I know, what a geek.)

In less dramatic developments, I finally cleaned off my desk. OY! What a chore that was. I’d let so much mail and stuff pile up it took me 2 and 1/2 hours to sort thru all of it. Course, I still have to move it into my room. The new roomie is moving in soon and I have to start shifting stuff around. Not really fair of me to dominate the living room w/my desk full of gadgets, gizmos, and mail. I also have to put away the air mattress. It’s still inflated from when Brettcajun and Homer were here. (was that subtle enough? *giggle*) Before I forget, anyone local need a dresser drawer set or a full size bed frame?

I’m getting back into my gym schedule again. Everytime I get a steady rhythm something happens it seems. It’s driving me nuts. My schedule is slowing down thankfully. yay! And speaking of, I know I haven’t posted the rest of the work out tips. I’m working on it.

Oh, don’t you hate when you forget to return a video? Especially, when the video store is only 3 blocks away!

8 thoughts on “Twinkle, Twinkle…”

  1. Moby…

    Will this drama ever come to an end! End of comment.

    So the movie…do I hate when I forget to return a movie. Well that depends on the content!!!

    Hey Brett, Homer…. I think Moby was trying to tell you that you were suppose to deflate the mattress and roll it up before you left. ***Hint, hint. Hehehe! 😉

  2. lol, no. It was actually a jab at the afore mentioned fella who said I was fake. I don’t expect company to clean. *g*

  3. I don’t know…I looked at those pictures taken of the bloggers/friends in San Francisco and I can’t find a Moby anywhere. Are you and Homer the same person?

  4. well i’ve known moby is fake for some time. for instance..those cheekbones? obviously fake. and the botoxed upper lip? please!
    ..and i even bet he wears lifts in his shoes.

  5. *Gasp* (in feigned horror) Who me? I hope I was good at least. Wait, what am I saying, of course it was good!

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