Letting Go

Someone tried to let me down easy today. It failed. Miserably, I might add.

So, I’m left to move on w/my life. For the 2nd time in just 2 short years, my heart is broken.

When will I ever fucking learn?

17 thoughts on “Letting Go”

  1. The sad part about it, is the more you learn, the more you grow. Sorry to hear about it bud. Just don’t start listening to country music, it’s the worst soundtrack for a break-up trust me…

  2. I have a feeling that the moment you learn to keep your heart closed is the moment that this whole life thing becomes really tedious.

  3. Moby…

    Have to agree with Ynager65 and Raign on there comments. If you attempt to figure a method to the madness of it all, you’ll likely pass up an opportunity with someone special.

    Hey bud, email me. Was it with who I may think it is, if it’s not too personal. Otherwise I understand? Hope all is well. Ya participating with Dan’s AIDS LifeWalk team?

  4. I’ve only been reading your blog for a short while. You are truly a special person, inspirational, kind etc. Listen to your friends, it really is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. (I know corny)

  5. Aaron said it just right. It hurts, though. Keeping your heart open, invites pain as well as joy. You grow scabs which scar your soul. They bleed sometimes. I’m sorry to hear you’re hurting. You’re a good guy, Moby.

  6. That is kind of what I was getting at – I had a friend of mine here in town say something quite similar about 2 weeks ago.

    My reply was when you close it off you close it all off and everything becomes dull and grey.

    And when you close off great thinks like this don’t happen.

  7. Don’t take it personally Moby. Sometimes people are not right for each other for a myriad of reasons. You don’t know all his reasons. His heart may belong to someone else or it just may not be a right fit for him. Whatever you do, don’t take it personal. That is one thing in my life that I have learn growing up… to not take things personally. Love just happens. If it doesn’t… then it may be the timing is just not right… or you are just not a good fit for him. But you are a great fit for many other men out there. I know everyone wants a partner that has a MOBY dick. 🙂

  8. It makes me sad to hear our Moby is sad. It’s okay to feel hurt or angry or whatever else you are feeling. You have to express those feelings in order to let them go. In time they will fade and become unimportant And eventually any one of the dozens of guys who want you will cross you path at the right time…and eventually one of them will be the one.

  9. Like the title of your post says, let go. Time is indifferent to the misery and broken-heartedness. You shouldn’t feel you have failed, in fact, you should be proud that you have grown out of this situation. He probably has his reasons or the timing is just off. Take it to heart that you don’t fail at all. I just went through the *same* thing two months ago and I used to feel I am so imbecile in relationship. Now I look back at it and deem it something that happened in order for me to learn not to blame everything on myself in a relationship. I hope you feel better, eventually – for I enjoy reading your posts, a lot.

  10. Moby I am really sorry to hear this. I can only hope you don’t close your heart to the experience. I often say to all things worth while a little pain is involved. Mr. right is out there. Keep holding that head of your up high. Big bear hug.

  11. I’m sorry to read about this. But you must move on. Use this experience to show you what to avoid the next time. You’ll do fine.


  12. Hang in there –what other choice is there, really? We learn about relationships only by being in them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don’t. But the only way to learn how to make a relationship work, is to make mistakes.
    And maybe — just maybe — it’s better to meet the wrong people before meeting the right ones, so that when we finally meet them, we’ll not only be grateful for the gift, but we’ll know how to be the right person for them as well.
    Just stay open — in every possible way… 🙂

  13. You got to take risks in life. Take leaps of faith and they can sometimes bring very good things.

    So, this one didn’t work out. Not to worry. You’re a cute, genuine person! Good things will come!

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