…equals Pansy Man Syndrome.

Oy! The whine is all empty and the cheese is gone. I sounded like such a crybaby last night. I think I was PMS’ing. Throw in a full moon and no wonder I was pining like a little school girl. Well boys, I can report the madness has left me! lol *polgtergeits lady* “This HOUSE is clean!”

Don’t get me wrong my feelings haven’t changed, I just can’t believe I was succombing to my base emotions. What a pussy. In a nutshell, I already told M how I felt and the ball is in his court. If he picks it up and runs with it great. If not, well I’m a big boy and its time to put up or shut up.

In happy tech news, I had to buy a new laptop. The current one has been running strong for 2 1/2 years, and bless its heart, it is on its last leg. One of the hinges is busted and the other is fast coming loose from the base. I was hoping to hold out a little longer for more compatibility w/Vista but if I don’t do something soon, I’ll w/o a laptop. And that would be a crime! hehehe

Oh, there is a private post coming up today too.

7 thoughts on “PMS …”

  1. MAN-O-PAUSE, Moby…..It’s manopause. As Jessica Tandy told Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes: “Honey, you’re going through the change….what you need to do is get yourself some HORMONES.” Now, where’s the nearest pharmacy?

  2. OK, it was a little high school teen angst, but I wasn’t going to say that first. 🙂 But hey, everyone is entited to spending some time getting worked up; it shows that you feel deeply about it.

    And Lewis, somehow I don’t think Moby needs more hormones – he usually has extra testosterone streaming out of his pores. Or, well, some orifice, anyhow. *grin*

  3. I hope he returns the serve and you too get to play and lifetime of tennis together. I am sucker for this stuff. Congrats on the computer now you have to transfer the data to the new one. That should keep you busy for a while.

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