Ooops VI

Every not do something wondering why you don’t and then discover later it was a good thing you didn’t? I’ve been so focused on work and getting my EMT hours in, I totally spaced I was on vacation this week! I’d originally planned to go to Fort Lauderdale however, I kept putting off booking the trip until it was too late. Turns out, it was a very good thing I didn’t book it. Can you say K-a-r-m-a? My entrance exam for the Fire Dept is tomorrow. I would have totally had to cancel the trip or worse, miss the exam date. Needless to say, I’m studying my butt off today.1 Wish me luck Luck LUCK!?


My friend Trevan was in town this past weekend. He came up last week for a work conference but stayed over to hang out w/me. I hadn’t seen him in almost a year so it was very nice to see him. We didn’t do a whole lot though. Shopping one day, bar hopping the next, and a little naughtiness the last night.2 We seemed to run into the same group of friends of a friend sorta scenario. (I think they were secretly stalking us!)


I met another local blogger at the gym the other day. He was kinda coy but I’m hoping he sends me his blog link so I can check it out. He is a total hottie too. Grrrr!


I keep having dreams about M and I. No, not those kind. Believe it or not, I’ve been dreaming about us being old together. And no, I haven’t changed my mind about the “wait and see” approach. I also have no idea what the dreams mean. I’ve never dreamed about being old before. We texted a few times yesterday. End of update…

1 I still had my session w/the trainer.
2 No, not together. Ewww, gross!

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