Hot to Trot

First, thanks for all the encouragement and support regarding the M thing. Yes, I am moving on. Putting it in a different frame of reference helped me see the overall picture better. I believe he doesn’t really know what he wants right now. There is no shame in that only in his inability to communicate it to me. Regardless, it is a bit of a load off my mind/chest.

In an abrupt change of topic, the weather has been exceedingly warm the last two days. I can tell I have made the transition to being a San Franciscan because the heat nearly did me in last night. Overly warm weather is not very common here nor is AC units. Naturally, the fan in storage decided not to function upon being called into active duty again. I tossed and turned the whole night away. Tonight, I’ll be stopping by the all-night Walgreens for a new one. Not getting any sleep, I struggled thru my work out today. Even the trainer said he was sluggish. I know I know, all you Southern folks are laughing however, you do have AC.

Speaking of the trainer, I’ve decided this is our last month together. I’d originally planned to go thru June however, I’ve gained all my lost muscle back (ahead of schedule) and consistently hitting the gym again. Both of which were my prime reasons for having a trainer. Sure, I’m not as buffed up as my buddy Woofbrandon but the demands on my schedule preclude me from hitting the gym as often as I’d like. My motivation is also back on par so I’m not worried about slacking off.

Continuing in the fatwa against the axis of evil, I’m declaring May as cardio month. I’ve put off my cardio in favor of the workouts. I’d like to shed 10 lbs of body fat. Not a lot in the scope of things however, that last 10-15 lbs is always the hardest to loose. My eating is under control so now time to amp up the cardio.

Tomorrow morning, I’m having birthday breakfast with the ex (he is turning 40) and some of his “new friends”. It aught to be interesting to say the least. hehehe.

6 thoughts on “Hot to Trot”

  1. it’s too hot to do cardio inside with hundreds of other people generating even more heat. Thanks for mentioning me here, but really I’m just another bloke who lifts weights. There will always be someone bigger/stronger/faster/smarter/whatever.

    Speaking of that, a stranger left a comment on my blog (check the recent comments on the sidebar) that begs me to ask, “Who are you, and do you expect a response?”

  2. I’ve spent the last two nights in the Bay Area…and, you’re so right…the heat has been something else. But I was in a nice hotel with an AC unit…..oops….you probably didn’t want to hear about that cool air part. Wishing you better sleep.

  3. Well, SF getting warm weather must be the reason why the southern coast of NC is cool and rainy. Everything must be kept in balance, I guess. *shrugs*

    Congrats on gaining your muscle back, Moby. Good luck with “May Cardio Mania”.

  4. Now Moby…don’t go getting yourself too pretty for Pride and the Blogger gathering. I can imagine that a ‘certain’ trainer would ever feel sluggish, the specimen that he is. I think I need to talk to that trainer’s partner and tell him to snap him out of it with something creative. LOL.

    I chuckling at the thought of May being cardio month ‘cuz I am back to trying to gain the muscle mass I lost this month. I think my cardio will come the last two weeks before Pride. Hey…keep Friday evening before Pride open for dinner with Rob. I’v e mentioned it to BrettC too. (all before Dan’s shindig – hop your going…I gotta work on Rob to go…changed his mind).

  5. hey! you’re on xbox live? what’s your handle?

    and tony is
    add us. We can play nude Uno.

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