Weekend In A Blur

Boy this past weekend just blew by me. I managed to make time from being an incessant whore to do a few social things. Friday night, I had dinner w/my friend Viktor who’s father passed away recently. He has been really down and I did my best to cheer him up. I think I did an ok job. I took’em for sushi and we laughed a lot. There is no better medicine for an ailing heart than laughter in my opinion. I spent time listening. Having never been overly close to my family, I was a little envious of him though. He had such a strong bond to his father. I got a little teary listening to it. It was obvious his father loved him unconditionally. Anyhoo, it was a nice dinner.

[insert more of the afore mentioned “whoring” here]

I’ve been trying to catch up on my xbox as of late. Haven’t been playing much. I finally beat a level on Lost Planet I’ve been stuck on for months. I’m all the way to the very end now wailing away on the last big boss. He is tuff too. I can whittle him down but I keep running out of energy before I’m able to finish him off.

I took in the Bourne Ultimatum flick on Saturday with a buddy from work. I was very pleased w/the last of the trilogy. It jumps into a very fast placed plot right away. I thought the end was a tiny bit anti-climatic but over all a great movie. Definitely worth seeing on the big screen.

Saturday evening, I got a nice surprise from my pals over at Urswine Addiction. They were stuck on a layover in Oakland so decided to crash w/me over night. It was great to see them. Sadly, we didn’t take any pictures. Nothing overtly exciting as we only had the evening to hang out. We had dinner, watched a movie and just caught up on the goings-on. Two really nice guys and they make the most amazing couple. I hope I find in someone what they have w/each other. I’m still headed down to visit them and Homer later this month. I’m looking forward to the trip. I’ve never been to Tuscon. The only confliction came when it was time to decide who slept on the sofa. I did. they protested but I’d never dream of splitting them up. Call me old fashioned but that just seemed rude. Besides, my couch is very comfy and I slept like a baby. (After more xbox, oh yes, I had an ulterior motive heeheee)

Today, after seeing the boys off to the airport, I had just enough time for cleanup, grub, and a quick match on the xbox. Work was work, uneventful thankfully. Sundays usually are but you never know when the shit is gonna hit the fan.

That’s it. My weekend in a blur. It was over so fast, I’m looking forward to the odd weekend coming up. I got bumped from my Friday/Saturday slot so am switching to Sunday/Monday’s off. The way it works out, I get Friday, Sunday, & Monday off this coming weekend but have to work Saturday. Bummer as it would have made for a great road trip. However, I may have a date on Sunday. Keep your fingers crossed!

5 thoughts on “Weekend In A Blur”

  1. Wow, that was a blur. LOL. Man, I am gone for two and a half weeks between Chicago and Lake Tahoe vacations and I miss out on all the romance development. Hmmm! Must be catching. See there was more than one reason for heading out to Chicago. 😉

  2. Laughter is, indeed, good for the soul…..and I’ll be that you were a good dose of happiness for your buddy. You seem just like that kind of guy. Happy week ahead.

  3. Yeah it went too fast! And you’re a good friend, taking your bud out for sushi. Many peeps avoid that stuff cuz they don’t know what to say or do 😛 Pig or not, you’re a good peep 😛

  4. Hey man, I tried to send you an email (because of a comment on Steve’s site) but had to take a guess at it. Hope you got it — it not, let me know and I can try to resend.

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