Answer Me

I am really surprised at the answers on the new Kinsey scale poll. [1]The Kinsey scale determines where you rate sexually, gay, straight or everything in between. Especially, the straight w/gay tendencies vs total straight. I didn’t think I had any straight readers. I figured these two would be reversed in answers. Meaning I’d have more straight w/gay tendencies readers. [2] See how much I know

I bring it up as I have a working opinion that a lot of really hard core homophobes fall into the straight w/gay tendencies category. It is an accepted principle that humans often attack qualities in others they dislike in themselves. Now why is it so hard for many to see homophobia is just an extension of that? I mean come on, not really a big jump in logic if you think about it. They see something in themselves they detest or can’t accept so they lash out at those who would accept it. One only need to look to the plethora of scandals rocking the GOP lately for some good examples.

I’m not saying everyone falls into that category but I think it is the rule more than the exception. What say you?


1 The Kinsey scale determines where you rate sexually, gay, straight or everything in between.
2 See how much I know

7 thoughts on “Answer Me”

  1. There’s actually been research where various pornographic images were shown to men of varying sexuality and homophobicity (new word) and the arousal of each man was measured by brain activity. The results showed that the self proclaimed straight homophobic men were just as aroused, and in some cases more aroused, by homosexual porn than gay men. The men who were straight and weren’t homophobic had much lower response to homosexual porn and responded more to striaght porn.

    In other words, where there’s smoke there’s fire.

  2. I remember reading about that study, thisboyelroy. Sadly, what I remember most is the repeated use of he word tumescence.

    I completely agree with your theory, Moby. I can’t think of any other reason why self-proclaimed homophobes would repeatedly go to pride or other events where gay men are likely to be half-naked.

  3. I agree with your hypothesis, Moby. Although I think many of the homophobes in question are “gay” or “gay with some straight tendencies” and not merely “straight with some gay tendencies”. After all, where do some homophobes get the motivation and passion to constantly think about how “awful” homosexuality is. After all, some of these people think that such things as gambling and prostitution are morally wrong, and yet they just can’t seem to muster up the energy and passion to try to eliminate them (certainly no to the same degree). Fear and shame, and the general tendency to hate in others what we hate about ourselves, seem like good explanations for where the motivation comes from. With all the scandals I am starting to think that almost everyone who is virulently and vocally anti-gay is a “secret fag” (Sopranos reference that probably only Adam will get).

  4. I think people fear what they don’t know. Before fags, it was communists. Before them Blacks, Catholics, Jews, women, etc.

  5. conservatives/Repiglicans have a plethora of psychological defects. To catalog them all would take all week. and it’s only Monday. Thank you for visiting your blog!

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