
I rarely discuss politics on my blog.  Mainly, as it can incite people in all sorts of unexpected ways.  Some people take their politics very seriously.  Others, could care less.  Either way, never a good idea to discuss in an open forum.  For the record, I tend to be more liberal socially.  I find it shameful that we can sleep at night denying medical care to someone simply because they are poor.  However, when it comes to government oversight and economics, I tend to be a tad more conservative.  I’m not a registered Republican.  I’m not a registered Democrat.  I am, however, a registered voter.  I get my point across by voting.  I read, I investigate and then I vote for the person I think best for the position, regardless of their political affiliation.  Not rocket science in an age where information is a click away.  Sadly, I find myself more and more these days voting for the lesser of two evils. 

Anyway, this is sort of a side rant. 

I’m sitting at Firewood in the ghayto today and I overhear a group of young people [1]early 20’s tops….god, I feel old. lol arguing over the differences between Obama and Hilary.  I’m initially excited to hear such young folk talking politics.  Then I tune into what they are arguing about.  Clothing of all things.  They were arguing over who dresses better. [2]Leave it to my people to get to the heart of the issues. lol 

I’m not sure I should laugh or cry at the moment.  If they fate of the country hinges around how well the Prez-elect dresses, oh my.  Of course, I shouldn’t really be surprised.  We routinely vote actors in political offices based solely on the merits of their acting careers.  I guess I should be content they even care.  I don’t really remember my generation being overly political growing up.  Of course, I grew up in the back woods of East Texas.  My perspective might be skewered just a bit.  Back to my eavesdropping, one young pretty lesbian girl keeps interjecting the issues back into the conversation.  God love her! lol  She seems pretty well informed.  I’m hoping maybe I am just hearing the abstract of a longer more involved conversation.  If not, well at least we will have a pretty President. 


1 early 20’s tops….god, I feel old. lol
2 Leave it to my people to get to the heart of the issues. lol

3 thoughts on “Politi-huh?”

  1. I watched MTV’s presidential deal where they had four candidates at that point…and kids from NYU asking them online questions. It was hot. REally cool to watch the kids at work. They most definitely leaned toward Obama…out of their choice of two Dems and two Repubs. Yuppers, we’re getting old. Well seasoned, I surmise.

  2. People always vote for the best looking candidate – that’s why Al Gore won the 2000 election. Too bad they didn’t actually count the votes until after the Supreme Court put Bush in power.

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