Bitter? Party of 1?

Catching up on the blogroll again, I see Brettcajun has fallen victim to a drive by nasty gram. Lord knows, I’ve had my share so I feel for him. Sometimes, I think people do it just to get a rise out of him however, still doesn’t make it ok. Said folks, always anonymous, [1]or so they think are cowards in the simplest form. If you feel so strongly about something, have the balls to back it up with your name and/or email address. Leaving chicken shit comments w/o your name just makes you a pussy and invalidates anything you have to say.

I am reminded of a little sparring match Brett and I had via Twitter about 2 weeks ago. We were discussing a philosophical difference in our approach to life. I got 3 different emails afterward asking if I was mad at Brett, kicking him off my blog, blah blah blah. Yes, it is true Brett and I sometimes disagree. Just as I have disagreed with other bloggers over the last few years. I am a grown man and if I can say it, I am willing to back it up. I can also strongly disagree with someone w/o resorting to name calling and other childish behaviors. If you read me with any regularity, you discover I speak my mind. That doesn’t change for people I know. And if your friendship hinges on my always agreeing with you, well I don’t wanna be your friend anyway.

My point is simple. Afford people the manners and common courtesy you would expect in return regardless of the communication medium.


1 or so they think

9 thoughts on “Bitter? Party of 1?”

  1. When I was a kid and my friends would come over they would worry that my parents were going to get a divorce because they were always yelling at each other. I would say, “When they’re not yelling at each other is when I’ll be worried about them getting a divorce.” There is nothing more boring to me than a “friend” who’s just a sycophant.

  2. I had to look up “sycophant” because I am simply not as smart as Adam. LOL

    There is nothing wrong with a meaningful discussion about something you feel passionate about. (i.e., politics) I really try my best not to resort to name calling. That is until someone ticks me off.

    In all my beauty pageants, I have never won (or came close) to winning Miss Congeniality.

  3. I think the important part of what you say is that you have to still treat people with respect when you disagree.

    I agree with Adam about the sycophant role. (I knew what it was Brett even without and LSU education. 😉 ) When someone is a sycophant, it’s makes it hard to trust them as a friend.

  4. one of the only readers of my blog is a guy who hates my guts and only reads me because he says i’m like a traffic accident. he also calls me lower that the shit people scape off of their shoes. according to sitemeter, he reads me every day. at least someone does.

  5. Aw … Yeah. I’ve started deleting those kind of comments, even ones from my friends. A friend whose comments I have repeatedly deleted keeps making them. I don’t think he goes back to read what he has written later, or he would have by now discovered that his little “masterpieces” don’t last long on my blog.

  6. I’ve received a handful through the years. I’m mildly amused by most of them. Based on my stats, it’s usually someone who stumbled on via Google and only visit that one time. They read a couple posts and leave an insult (mostly some homophobe). If it has nothing to do with the post, I won’t allow it; they can email insults instead. I’ve been pretty good about not taking them seriously.

    Some guy did a search for “Robin McGraw” and read my less than flattering opinion about her and commented, “You’re whole blog is like one giant fart.” Coming from a fan of hers, I had to laugh.

    And I kinda agree with him.

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