That Time Again

Vacation that is.  Today is the last work day before I bail for 10 days.  I’m packing the camera and will attempt to take plenty of pics. [1]I make no promises.  The world-wind tour starts off with a trip to Phoenix.  Never been and now that I have a friend living there I’m gonna bounce on down and check it out. 

Afterwards, it is a deluxe economy class trip to BFE, aka East Texas, to see the clan.  I haven’t been home in a year so it is time I guess.  On the way back, I’m stopping at my friend Trev’s place for his 40th birfday.  Festivities will ensue.

I may or may not blog much however, expect twitter updates.  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone.  While I’ll probably never move back to Texas, I do miss family and friends.  It is hard to get back as often as I’d like so I squeeze as much time in as I can when I do.


On a side note, I was notified today my blogroll was screwy.  Apparently, the new version of WP requires a category assigned to links for them to be visible. [2]Don’t ask me why, one would think it is obvious.  Anyway, I have corrected the problem.  And while we are on the subject, sending a somewhat snotty email because you notice your link is gone is not the best way to stay in my good graces or on my blogroll.  Just a thought.  🙂


1 I make no promises.
2 Don’t ask me why, one would think it is obvious.

3 thoughts on “That Time Again”

  1. Damn! you fixed the blogroll before I could send a snotty email. Oh well. Next time.

    I used to fly standby non rev to Europe all the time when my brother worked for AA. I can’t reccomend it, unless you enjoy getting stuck in Iceland with nowhere to stay except the airport. I remember one time in London, at 4:10am I was shaken awake by an old English gentlemen, who said to me “Please Sir, endeavor to quieten yourself. You’re snoring is keeping the whole of London and most of the counties awake.”

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