Lunch Blog

I just had lunch w/Roblog.

The more I get to know Rob the more I like him. Handsome, kind, compassionate, hard-working, considerate… need I go on? Fuad is indeed a lucky man. (Fuad is is equally handsome husband). So we met at Chow and had a good lunch just gabbing and catching up. While there, Fuad actually came in w/his lunch buddy. (I gathered Chow was his favorite hangout)

Not much else to report at the moment. I’m off to work. Tonight is the finals for the BCC so I’m sure I’m headed to that afterwork w/Tim and Mostovic.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

*I’m only posting this after being coerced by Kristaki*

I locked myself out of my apartment the other night. I had a doc’s appointment that ran late. In all the rush getting home, I ran out without my keys. I didn’t even notice until I got home and tried to get in. Luckily enough, I live in a high rise building w/24 hour security. (Well they are more like door stops w/hair but thats another story). So anyway, Joe Schmoe graciously offers to let me in for the customary $50.00 fee. *trying to remember my karma here I kept my mouth shut*

Well, things never seem to go simple for me so this night was no exception. We get into the office and discover they’ve installed a new lockbox system. Joe Schmoe has no idea how to work it so I end up fiddling w/it till I figure it out. We finally get the key and head on up. *dramatic pause………* The key doesn’t work. On the way down, we discover Joe locked HIS keys in the office and has in effect locked himself out as well. Numerous phone calls later w/no results, I end up picking the lock myself w/a key set and a plastic bank card. Course, goofus had to wait till the next morning to get back into the office.

Back in the Saddle

Ok, Ok, I’m sorry. I haven’t been blogging much lately. I’ve just been busy w/life. Not changing the world busy just mundane busy. I haven’t had a chance to keep up w/my blogroll either. Blame it on my social life I guess. Anyway, I’m back for now.

So much to write and so little time at the moment. I’m at work and speaking of work things are slowing down to a nice dull roar. My trainee is doing fine and definitely gonna make it. I’ve been spending alot of my normal down time training her. Another reason, my blogging has suffered as of late. Anyway, work is ok for now. Said manager who normally drives me nuts has been leaving me alone lately. *crossed fingers*

Social life has been a blur of activity lately. Not that I’m complaining mind you. I’ve just been on the go for the last couple of weekends. I’ll write more from home


Oy, I’m a bit tired today. Last night was the first final for the BCC. They had 11 contestants! OMG! it was fun but waaaaaay long! I didn’t get home till just before 2:00am. At least it’s friday.

I’ve been neglecting the blog as of late. Not out of some profound life enjoyment, mainly just busy w/work. I’ve also been neglecting my gym time and starting Monday on a brand new routine. (where have I heard that before?)

Looks to be a busy weekend….details later.

Ideology of Theology.

How is that for a play on words? *g*

The ex and I got together to swap out some furniture early Sunday. (ok, early for me which is noonish) It was pretty uneventful up until we discovered my bed frame isn’t a full/queen hybrid as I’d thought. So the mattress provided by the ex didn’t fit. For the moment, I’m reduced to having a boxspring/mattress on the floor until we can get together again to swap out the rest of his stuff w/another frame for me. He was very kind enough to donate a frame. I am grateful.

Sunday seems to be turning into a regular blogging session for a small gang of buddies. This past Sunday was no exception. Later in the day, I found myself in the Castro at Le Bon Gateau hanging out w/Mostovic, Norm, Tim, and Bobby. The latter two of the group don’t blog. I think we did more talking than blogging this time. That said, a fun time was had by all. I forgot to take pics. On a side rant, Tim has decided he wants me to create a new sub-blog just for him so he could blog about my blog. I’m still confused over that one but I thought I’d share it. *note – his prozaic prescription is low – could be the reason*

Afterwards, Mostovic and I went off by ourselves and had great discussion about God. It was great having an adult conversation about faith w/o someone ending up angry. So few folks can discuss religion w/o getting pissy. I think most folks are used to just following what they’ve always been told vs actually having any sort of in-depth knowledge of their faith. So anytime, that is questioned, they feel theatened and lash out. But I digress. Our conversation was about the core difference between our beliefs – the purpose behind the creation of humanity, the duality of the flesh/spirit, etc. I won’t bore you w/the details as that is a post unto itself. My only failing is I wasn’t able to articulate my thoughts into speech as easily as I understood them. Probably because I don’t read up on religion much anymore and am a bit rusty in the terminology. (who da thunk it, me speechless?) However, Mostovic seemed to be in the same boat, albeit not as bad as me. We spent about 3 hours just talking and listening to each other. It was the most enjoyable theological conversation I’ve ever had in my entire life.

Before we knew it, closing time was upon us and we had to bail! We ran into T from the BCC and had a late night meal together. Afterwards, I went home to watch my tivo shows! Not a bad way to spend the weekend.

Weekend Wanderings

Real quick as I’m at work. The weekend was uneventful but fun. I was originally scheduled to go to a play on Sat. night but due to scheduling problems w/Mostovic and I, it wasn’t in the cards. So instead, we had a nice dinner at a new Thai place on Polk St. Afterwards, we hung out at my place and watched Godzilla (The new version w/Matthew Broderick). Go ahead and laugh but I am a huge Godzilla fan. Mostovic said he wanted to see it so, of course, I had to accommodate his wishes.

Sunday was a whole new ball of wax, jwill write more later.

Monday – Blech

I hate Monday’s. Especially after having such a great weekend. However, Monday has arrived and with it comes responsibility. blech!

I did manage to drag my lazy carcass into the gym only to remember halfway thru it I had a Union meeting today and was late. So mid work out (triceps) I had to break and head to work. The meeting went well w/the exception of one Supervisor who only focuses on his needs. Naturally, he is applying to fill the empty managers position. *but I’m not bitter*

Work was uneventful today. Boring if such a thing were possible.

The feeling of enjoyment from the weekend is still w/me. Which is odd as work usually zaps it right out of me. I just had such a relaxing weekend goofing and blogging w/mostovic that I’m in glow mode. *giggle* Norm snapped this shot of us blogging together in the Castro.

Mostovic & Moby Blogging

Great Pic, thanks N!

Awkward Moment & Another Chapter Closes


I just met the ex’s new beau for the first time! I’m tempted to insert something caddy here but what would be the point. I’m loathe to admit it but he seemed like a nice guy. Personable and friendly. I could tell they were a bit nervous but I guess that was expected under the circumstances. That said, I find I harbor no resentments toward him. He had nothing to do w/the breakup so no sense projecting my issues onto him. (Well, none that I am aware of anyway) The ex seems to be happy w/him so no need for me to pass judgement. If it works, good for him. If not….well, I’ve been true to my own principles thru the whole ordeal so my conscience clear.

I was a bit surprised at myself. I thought I might be upset or annoyed at meeting him. Neither of which happened. I’ll admit, I had a quick pang of jealousy but then I remembered everything that happened thru the break up and since and that disappeared in a flash. The truth is, as painful as the breakup was for me, I think it was for the best. Knowing all the things I know now I guess I have a better perspective of it. As for the ex and his new beau, I wish them all the best.

karma-1 / bitch-0

*forest gump voice* “…and dats all I have to say about dat”

Cartman Meets His Match

I couldn’t help myself. I was blogrolling and discovered are you effin’ kidding me who had a link to the create your own SouthPark character website.

Ladies and Gentleman, hobo’s and tramps, crossed-eyed mosquitos and bow-legged ants. I present to you the newest South Park character:

Wilton Mobius Nelson III (meaning I made three attempts before I got one I liked)

aka Mober


His purpose: Protect Kenny
His superpower: Can blow the balls off any mofo who gets in his way
His anathema: Ignunce

Who Are You?

I took this personality test from Republic of T’s blog. I’m completely the opposite of him it seems.

My results.

ENFJ- The Teacher
Your Type is 100% Extroverted, 12% Observant, 6% Logical and 50% Structured
Your type is known as the teacher, or the educating mentor. You also
belong to the larger group, called idealists. You tend to bring out the
best in other people. You lead without seeming to do so. People are
naturally drawn to you. You expect the very best from people which
takes the form of enthusiastic encouragement which is so charming that
people try their best not to disappoint you. You share your personality
type with 3% of the population.
You need to feel a deep and meaningful connection to your romantic
partners, and go to great lengths to understand and please your mate.
Harmony is vitally important to you, and you often put others’ needs
before your own. You have a pretty thin skin and are easily hurt.
Although you strive for harmony, when your values or ethics are
violated, you can be very emotional, confrontational, and even
punishing. However, you are very insightful about the underlying cause
of conflicts, and an excellent communicator, so you have the tools to
bring about a quick and peaceful resolution as long as you can keep
control of your facilities. You want to be appreciated for your
thoughtfulness and compassion. You need your partner to make a real
effort to get to know you. Above all, you need to be able to express
your feelings and have them taken seriously.
Your group summary: idealists (NF)
Your type summary: ENFJ

vincex’s shorter version of this test.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 79% on outgoing
You scored higher than 9% on observant
You scored higher than 4% on logical
You scored higher than 75% on structured

Link: The Quick and Dirty Personality Test written by unpretentious2 on Ok Cupid

Check out his blog to see how he did. How did you score?