Mental Note II

Just a few random observations. [1]If you are twitter, you probably weighed in already.

I really need to stop bringing lube into the shower.  With that in mind, if your "guest" falls in the shower, are you responsible?


Never have a "guest" over on maid day.  Especially when the maid has keys!  (Oh yes, there will be a post about this.)


If someone asks you to google your name at work, don’t do it. (One of my straight co-workers apparently has a name similar to that of a straight porn star.  Color him embarrassed.)


Oh, and since I haven’t gotten the poll thingy working you can answer here  if you’d like.


1 If you are twitter, you probably weighed in already.


I’m updating my subscriber lists. I’ve noticed that people who register w/online emails like hotmail, yahoo, aol, etc almost never reply back when I confirm their accounts. I wonder why? hehehe


In other, even more boring news, I was up late today and barely made it to the gym. I ran into this guy that I met thru my roomie. He is so adorable and I wanna ask him out but knowing he has already been intimate w/my roomie sort of turns me off. Is that wrong? lol


Did I mention I am happy to back on my old schedule? Abso-fucking-lutely!


Yes, I know the poll thingy isn’t working right now. I also know my email link is fraked up too. It has to do with the widget thingies. I did mention I had a few kinks left. My email is simple. Blogs [at] sfmoby [dot] us.

Time for work!



Random shot of me driving. 


Ok so I’m done tinkering with the blog. [1]Well, there are a couple of minor bugs I still need to iron out.  The big sitemeter drama this past week was a blessing in disguise.  It forced me to update my template to a newer version.  The code on this one is simpler and better organized.  I also converted all my personal tweaks to widgets instead of manually tinkering with the code.  Well, everything except the pop-up comments.  I didn’t quite get that working correctly.  I got close but the glitch is simply beyond my knowledge base and I haven’t a clue how to fix it.  I guess I’ll have to settle w/page reloads for comments. 


Last week was my change of watch at work.  I only got Saturday off.  I spent the evening playing Soul Caliber IV w/Adam and Brad.  It is sort of an updated version of the old Mortal Combat game.  Anyway, the game has a unique unlock function.  After you get so many skill points, you can choose to have the characters strip down to their undies while they fight. [2]You just know a gay guy had a hand in the code for this game.  I had a blast.  We played games, gossiped, and gorged on pizza. 

This week has been a bit hectic.  I’ve had a slew of Union meetings to catch up on at work.  Not to mention catching up on domestic chores at home.  Ugh.  Today was my first real day back in the gym.  I loved it!  Now that I’m back on my old schedule, I plan on getting back on track w/my weight loss program.  Remember my plan to get lean?  Well, I fell off the wagon.  Mostly, because of my schedule.  I know, excuses, excuses.  Anyway, I’m back at it, cut me some slack.  And lord knows, the weight I got ain’t hurtin’ me none. 


Oh, are you logged in?  *eg*


1 Well, there are a couple of minor bugs I still need to iron out.
2 You just know a gay guy had a hand in the code for this game.

Moby & Trev

Moby & Trev

Originally uploaded by ibod8x5

The trip is winding down. I was taking pics full swing until the damn camera battery died. I uploaded a few so far. Once I get home, I’ll push the rest online for all to see.

Here I am last night with the birfday boy. He hit the big 4-0. Needless to say, missy got blitzed out of his mind. lol I, being the designated driver, had to drive him home and put him to bed. What are friends for right?

Anyway, overall the trip has been good. Several interesting realizations have come up. All good stuff mind you. I’ll be fleshing it out later.

Anyway, I’m off to a pool party with the old man.

That Time Again

Vacation that is.  Today is the last work day before I bail for 10 days.  I’m packing the camera and will attempt to take plenty of pics. [1]I make no promises.  The world-wind tour starts off with a trip to Phoenix.  Never been and now that I have a friend living there I’m gonna bounce on down and check it out. 

Afterwards, it is a deluxe economy class trip to BFE, aka East Texas, to see the clan.  I haven’t been home in a year so it is time I guess.  On the way back, I’m stopping at my friend Trev’s place for his 40th birfday.  Festivities will ensue.

I may or may not blog much however, expect twitter updates.  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone.  While I’ll probably never move back to Texas, I do miss family and friends.  It is hard to get back as often as I’d like so I squeeze as much time in as I can when I do.


On a side note, I was notified today my blogroll was screwy.  Apparently, the new version of WP requires a category assigned to links for them to be visible. [2]Don’t ask me why, one would think it is obvious.  Anyway, I have corrected the problem.  And while we are on the subject, sending a somewhat snotty email because you notice your link is gone is not the best way to stay in my good graces or on my blogroll.  Just a thought.  🙂


1 I make no promises.
2 Don’t ask me why, one would think it is obvious.


Is anyone else tired of hearing about the iphone?  Whoopee, so what you are buying a 2nd generation phone that should have been a 1st generation phone.  I’ll grant you it’s ‘purdy.  It still only does half the shit my Wing does. [1]Shhhh, don’t tell Adam, they went out and got one each today.  I was absolutely shocked (read tickled pink) when I read today Apple deliberately limited sales thru shitty Cingular  ‘the new AT&T’ stores.  For a company that totes their iphone as "the best new invention of the millennium", they sure are going to a lot of effort.  One would think a product that good would sell itself.  I’m just sayin’.


The 4-day weekend is coming to a close.  I didn’t do a thing.  Probably a good thing as I wasn’t overly chipper at wasting a long weekend.  Surprisingly, all of my other friends were busy. (Doesn’t it always work out that way? lol)

Friday was a blur.  I did get a few chores done.  Beyond that, most of the day was spent catching up on Tivo and playing Darkness on the 360. 

Saturday, I drug myself out of the house to go see Hellboy II.  Overall, I enjoyed it.  The CGI and cinematography was excellent.  I ended up running into Roblog, Chuck and their friend Jeff.  They, like fools, sat with me.  The movie started late so we amused ourselves by geeking out and torturing Chuck in the process.  Anyway, if you liked the first one you’ll like this one.  The only part I didn’t like was the comedic banter.  They added a tad too much in my opinion.  It took away from the plot development. 

Today, I expected to wait around most of the day waiting on Comcast again. [2]They had to come back out to fix the problem they were supposed to fix last time. Imagine my surprise when they showed up on time.  I made it to the gym and got a good arm workout in.  The only other noteworthy occurrence was a hottie who normally ignores me said hello.  It was kinda odd.  The guy almost always seems to avoid me.  Of course, afterwards I wondered what exactly had changed.  Drove me nuts. 

Tomorrow, I’m supposed to meet w/the tattoo guy to talk about my new tattoo.  I’m almost finished with the design.  I need some ideas from him for filler hence, the meeting.  This guy is probably fed up with me by now but he hides it well. lol 

How was your weekend?


1 Shhhh, don’t tell Adam, they went out and got one each today.
2 They had to come back out to fix the problem they were supposed to fix last time.


Today has been a blur up till now.  I got up late so of course I was running. [1]I’m absolutely beginning to hate my current schedule.  I made it to the gym thankfully.  While there, I noticed they put in the replacement steam room door.  It has to set overnight so I’m sure tomorrow the steam room will be standing room only. heehee 

Speaking of the gym, one of my two new future ex-husbands totally shot me down.  I was chatting him up and finally asked if he wanted to grab a bite sometime.  He said no.  *sniffle*  I guess the honeymoon is over.  I was chatting up another gym bud and he told me the guy is only into slim young smooth Asian boys.  I don’t fit any of that description.  Oh well, next!  The other future ex is a bust too.  I know that w/o even trying.  He is friendly but I’ve watched and he only flirts w/the big muscle boys.  I’m surprised he doesn’t work out more at the Brannan Gold’s where they all congregate. 




I finally got my hooves clipped and polished.  I’ve been blowing it off lately because of my schedule.  The girl I like is off the same days I am so makes it difficult.  She was so excited to see me. lol  She made me smile by noticing my muscles have increased a bit.  I totally could have kissed her.


Pride is almost upon us.  As I was driving home from work tonight the Castro was overflowing.  I expect this year will be especially festive what with the recent gay rights ruling here in Cali.  And it should be.  It is high time we get some equality.  I’m looking forward to pride this year more than usual. 


Oh, are you logged in?  You should be. 


1 I’m absolutely beginning to hate my current schedule.