Q & A

I often get questions by email on a variety of subjects. I try to reply when I can but I don’t always get the time. I thought I’d post a few recent ones that sort of made me laugh. I’ve included my reply, where applicable. Enjoy!


Q. Why are you gay? God created Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve. [1]Typos corrected.

A. Dear anonymous commenter. Thank you for your query. Unfortunately, you are using an out-dated version of Human v1.0. Please upgrade to our more enlightened and educated Human v2.0. This should solve your problems.


Q. Why do you still blog. Blogging is old news.

A. Because I can.


Q. Why are you not more manly like that guy Brett.

A. *After recovering from fit of laughter*. If your IP didn’t resolve to 4 states away, I’d accuse you of BEING Brett. Since you aren’t, we have a different view of what makes a man manly.


Q. Will you marry me?

A. Yes, just as soon as I win the lotto jackpot.


Q. How big is your c*ck?



Q.  I never see any of your private posts, did you discontinue them?

A. Having checked your comment, you aren’t logged in. You have to be logged in first. I also haven’t been doing that many of them. I’ve started again.


Q. Where did you rescue Little Cooper?

A. Northern California Bulldog Rescue. If you don’t live in the area, you can google your own area. There are a plethora of sites online the specialize in bulldog rescue.


1 Typos corrected.