Sick to my Stomach

OY! I’m almost there. I’m in Dallas on a layover and I’ve had an upset stomach all day. Not sure if its because I didn’t get much sleep, I’m nervous, getting sick, or a little of all three. To top it off, I almost went to the wrong airport. I’m so used to flying out of Oakland I was on auto-pilot today and was 2 steps away from stepping on the Bart train in the wrong direction!

At the last minute, I thought to check the ticket and sure enough, I’m flying out of SFO! Of course, it takes about 15 minutes longer to get to SFO on Bart so I immediately start watching my watch to make sure I have enough time. Fate seemed to be on my side because everything went smoothly. I didn’t encounter a single glitch along the way. We even got to Dallas 20 minutes early. Of course, the plane before us hadn’t left yet so we got to spend the 20 minutes on the runway but I’m not complaining.

So here I sit, on the floor next to gate C33, waiting for the flight. The plane just arrived and appears to be on time.