On to the Drivel

Now that I’m off my horse for the day, on to the rest of my meanderings. I friend stop by today to get help on his dreamweaver skills. Said friend, who I’ll refer to as P from here on out, is a nice guy and I enjoy his company. However, P always seems to go on and on about drama w/his ex. His ex is a bit psychotic. Today, as usual, he brings up the latest drama w/his ex.

The reason I bring this up is later on he mentions another friend of mine that I know from back home in TX. Said friend, N, lives here now. What cracks me up is P starts telling me about issues he has with N. Issues which seem to be the same issues relating to his ex. So being the good friend that I am, I told him to stop worrying about said ex and move on with his life. The truth often comes out in the end so why worry? *It didn’t work, he missed the cue completely and kept right on rambling*