Boy Scouts Having Their Way w/You

This just chaps my hide.

Senate Majority leader Bill Frist has introduced legislation that would make it illegal to bar the Boy Scouts from using pubic facilities.

If Frist’s ”Support Our Scouts Act” becomes law the federal government would be obliged to support the Scouts and state and local governments would be required to give Scouts access to their facilities if they make them available to other groups.

Frist (R-Tennessee), a former Scout, tried to pass a similar bill last year, but he found little support at the end of a busy year in Congress.

Other Senate co-sponsors include Tennessee Republican Lamar Alexander, Kentucky Republican Jim Bunning, Montana Republican Conrad Burns, Idaho Republican Larry Craig, Nevada Republican John Ensign, Florida Democrat Bill Nelson and Oregon Republican Gordon Smith.

I’m happy to read that the bill has no where near enough support to pass but balls of this guy is astounding. First off, even if it did pass, it would get shot down in the courts as it would cleary be unconstitutional. DUH! Leave it to a dim-witted, narrow-minded republican to come w/a brand new way to waste tax payer dollars.

I got a tickle out of the rest of the story though. Apparently, since their “come to jesus” decision to exclude gays, the scouts aren’t doing so well. Go figure.

Meanwhile an FBI investigation is continuing into allegations that the Boy Scouts of America is inflating its membership to gain funding. (story)

The number of scouts has dwindled since it became embroiled in the dispute over gay scouts.

Membership in the BSA has declined since the Supreme Court ruling. But, in cities where agencies like the United Way continue to fund the BSA it is alleged that troops are being encouraged to list fake names as members to boost enrolment making the group eligible for more money.

Poor things, they have to resort to lying to boost their numbers..Wait! Isn’t lying a sin? *checking the holy-roller text* Why! yes it is! SCANDAL.