Man Smells or Stank?

I guess I’m on a bitch fest this week.

Something I’ve noticed while living here. It is one of the few things that annoys me about SF. There is this trend it seems of guys being into ‘pits, man smells, etc.’ While I love a a fresh pit, I’ve discovered most of these folks are referring to not bathing. I’m not a big cologne person. It is just not conducive to the climate here to wear lots of cologne. That said, I bath often, use a low smell deodorant, and the rest is el natural. I’ll be the first to admit I love the smell of a guy after a fresh workout and he is all sweaty. I think many (I’m guessing) will agree it is a turnon. However, that same smell tainted by bacteria and stale sweat four days later is NOT.

I bring it up because I’m standing in Daddybucks yesterday waiting my turn for the restroom. This tiny old leathery wrinkled looking thing comes saddling up next to me in line. Forgetting for a moment, he is eyeing me up/down as if I’m to be his next meal, I’m all for niceties. We exchanged “hello, great day out, blah blah blah” and then the stench of him hit me. OMG! I literally thought I was gonna puke. This guy was as ripe as they come. I scooted away to get myself out of his range. Needless to say it didn’t work. Thank the fates I was next in line and quickly escaped.

Yesterday wasn’t my first encounter w/said phenomena however, it got me to wondering how the hell do people get stuck on quirks like this?

5 thoughts on “Man Smells or Stank?”

  1. i love mansmells. The ranker the pits, the better for me. Love smelly crotches and cracks too.

  2. I wonder how much of this is age-related. I came from a time where life was more blue-collar and men smelled, and it was a natural — and expected, thing. (That would have been in the 50s, and probably before).
    i love mansmells, too. I can’t say utterly rank works for me, but I can handle a fairly potent odor — but it’s individual. I loved the way my late lover smelled and could I have bottled the way the sheets smelled, I don’t doubt I’d be wealthy now. On the other hand, I knew one guy whose scent turned my stomach.
    Scent’s not a light-switch, kids. It’s not an on-off thing. there are gradations of smell you might like. And you might like some lightly scented pits more than you think — IF you eliminate the element of fear first. As long as you’re SURE you’re going to be grossed out, you will be. Exactly the same as when you’re SURE he’ll reject you. And he does. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
    Scent IS sexy. You just have to find the type of scent you like: some guys have a sweet-ish body odor, some musky, some sour. I like the first two, not the third. If you’re under 35, you probably don’t yet know what changes you’re going to go through over the next 15 years. You could be surprised.

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