Stupid Is As Stupid Does

*I’m only posting this after being coerced by Kristaki*

I locked myself out of my apartment the other night. I had a doc’s appointment that ran late. In all the rush getting home, I ran out without my keys. I didn’t even notice until I got home and tried to get in. Luckily enough, I live in a high rise building w/24 hour security. (Well they are more like door stops w/hair but thats another story). So anyway, Joe Schmoe graciously offers to let me in for the customary $50.00 fee. *trying to remember my karma here I kept my mouth shut*

Well, things never seem to go simple for me so this night was no exception. We get into the office and discover they’ve installed a new lockbox system. Joe Schmoe has no idea how to work it so I end up fiddling w/it till I figure it out. We finally get the key and head on up. *dramatic pause………* The key doesn’t work. On the way down, we discover Joe locked HIS keys in the office and has in effect locked himself out as well. Numerous phone calls later w/no results, I end up picking the lock myself w/a key set and a plastic bank card. Course, goofus had to wait till the next morning to get back into the office.

4 thoughts on “Stupid Is As Stupid Does”

  1. So did he pay you $50? Or would that only have been if you’d gotten him back into his office?
    I like “doorstops with hair,” BTW. My version’s “waste of air.”

  2. Dude, that is true, maybe you should have been paid for your services…but since he’s a possible oxygen thief (my fave term), there would be no way.

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