Dram Mamma II

I’m in a surprisingly good mood considering work was very dramatic yesterday. It’s been a busy week overall. If you are regular reader, you know I’m a Union officer at work and we’ve been having some real problems. Wednesday, my local chapter met w/an attorney to review our options and get some confirmations on what management can and cannot force us to do. Normal labor laws do not apply to us as one, we are a government agency and two, we are unionized. So we got that out of the way. It was a mixed bag of info as we got some good and some bad news. Yesterday was our monthly labor meeting w/management to discuss problems.

Our Union rep. basically started the meeting out by putting management on notice that we are prepared to get radical if they do not start keeping their promises. Often, management will state one thing and then do just the opposite. And the problem usually stems from the right hand now knowing what the left hand is doing. Our rep’ds speech tied into a problem I’ve been dealing with. After about 15 minutes of continued lip service from the deputy director, I lost my temper a bit and let’em have it. Let’s just say I put things in very simple English so there was no confusing it. I took off the gloves and started naming names too. I’m all for diplomacy but sometimes you just need to put it on the table to get people’s attention. I think it worked to an extent but I don’t expect much change. I fully expect in the next two months things are going to get ugly.

Who do you call when there is no one left at 911?