Meme Me This…

So Large Tony’s got me doing a Meme. (course that boy could convince me to do just about anything.)

The rules are simple.

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions – each person’s will be different. I’ll post the questions in the comments section of this post.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Here goes.

1. What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you in grade school?
That’s easy. Fifth grade, I had Miss Hanchey as my teacher. On the outside she was a mean spiteful wench. On the inside, she was a sweet old lady who loved kids. So one day after grammar studdies, I’m goofing off (I was a holy terror in grade school) leaning way back in my chair, holding myself upright by my feet under my desk. I inadvertently farted and it was a loud one. Not only that but the chair seat was plastic so it reverberated even louder. The whole room burst out laughing. I was so startled I lost my footing and fell straight back. Two whammies for the price of one!

2. Name something that you really wish you were better at.
Sucking cock. No, just kidding, I am an expert at that already. Uh…um…I always wished I could sing. My child hood fantasy was to be a singer. The first time I heard my recorded voice played back I was heartbroken to discover I couldn’t carry a note if my life depended on it.

3. What specific item in your closet/wardrobe would you wear to definitely get a man’s attention?
This is a toughy. I can dress to impress but I am very much a T-shirt and jeans kinda guy. I’d have to say a nice snug pair of pants to show off my backside. Guys usually notice my eyes and my butt first anyway. If you got it, flaunt it!

4. What would your friends be surprised to find in the trunk or glove box of your car?
Well I currently own a motor scooter so that would be kinda hard. (I sold my car upon moving to SF) But back when I had a car, I’d have to say a taser. I kept a taser in my glovebox for years.

5. M&M’s or Skittles?
Defintely M&M’s. I’m not a big candy person. The only other candy I find irresistible is Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups.

Tag your it!

4 thoughts on “Meme Me This…”

  1. Okay… hit me up… I’m interested in what kinda questions you would ask and this is kinda fun (I did Tony’s on my site already)

    p.s. my link has been changed (I moved from Gallery Ten)

  2. Ok, Jack as you can tell everyone is racing to get their chance…so here goes.

    1. Who was your first gay crush and what about him made it so magical for you?

    2. mayo or miracle whip?

    3. Who did you have the hardest time coming out too?

    4. Into Monogamy or Open LTR’s

    5. Do you like’em cut or uncut? *eg*

  3. ah’aight Todd. Here goes

    1. What is the one thing a guy can do that will guarantee him a role in the hay w/you?

    2. Do you have an inny or an outy? (belly-button)

    3. How old were you when you had gay sex for the first time and who with?

    4. If you had a choice of any career what would it be?

    5. Frosted flakes or mini wheats?

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