Murder Death Kill

I got mandatoried today at work. I’m doing a 12er from 11 to 11. We had a double homicide today already. Apparently, a domestic violence case gone horribly awry. The guy shoots his ex girlfriend/wife, whatever. Then later kills himself. The only good thing is that the infant wasn’t harmed. Very sad.

Maybe in his next life he’ll come back as a petite female who gets beat up constantly by her boyfriend. I wonder if Karma has a sense of humor?

3 thoughts on “Murder Death Kill”

  1. Never heard the word “mandatoried” before and it is not in the dictionary. A web search did find it in union contracts referring to required/assigned overtime.
    Regarding the homicide; I will never understand what mankind does to mankind.

  2. I don’t get straight men and the whole murder/suicide thing. It is very common here in AZ, you never hear about women doing it.

  3. Ummm….we had a double homicide? How did I miss this? WTF? (I almost wore that shirt the other day, but you weren’t here)

    Ummmm…as to the whole murder/suicide thing and straight men? Since in general about 10% of the population is considered homosexual (at least that will admit to it) then it would stand that statistically straight men would do more of the crime. Jeffery Dahmer is one guy that did atrocities recently who was pretty far from straight. I think in general it’s really a man problem. Not gay/straight/bisexual/pansexual, whatever. I’ve heard plenty of domestic violence calls that end up being
    “my boyfriend hit me and now he’s refusing to leave”
    “Why don’t you tell them what you did to me you asshole?”
    “Oh, can’t you just stop it? Just go!!”
    “He’s being a bitch now, but he slapped me around earlier too..he’s not telling you that now is he?”

    See? Of course, these aren’t direct quotes, but more of an “along the lines” type deal.

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