Baby On Board

On my flight down to Houston, I sat next to a mom and her two year old son. I wasn’t overly pleased at first but it was the only aisle seat left. It turned out the little rat was very well behaved and we had a great time. Apparently, mom flies a lot and she brings him along.

God, was he just adorable. He was watching The Wiggles on his portable DVD player when suddenly it went dead. Mom explained to him what happened and you could tell he was disappointed but not once did he break into a fit. He was a real trooper about it too. Not being able to withstand his pouting face, I offered to let him watch it on my laptop. Boy did his eyes light up when he saw it pop up on the big screen of my laptop! The irony is I’d brought along Ferngully on DVD w/me to watch. (Ferngully is an animated Disney flick I happen to really like) So between the Wiggles and Ferngully both he and I had a great time. Mom was pretty grateful too.

Towards the end of the flight, his mom and I got to talking about kids in general. She wants another one but she and her husband are so busy it would be a burden. I mentioned I hoped to adopt kids one day myself. She said she thought I’d make a great father and said I had a knack for dealing w/kids. I thought to myself…I ought to! I practically raised my younger brother.

I know your saying, “What’s the point Moby?” Well, I’m getting to it, hold your horses….
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about having a kid. Not as in “righ now” but soon. I’ve always wanted kids and I’m finally at a point in my life where it’s financially possible. He won’t grow up rich but I didn’t and look how well I turned out. (hehehe) Lately, a lot of little things have been popping up to remind me of what I’m missing. I’ve also really enjoyed reading V-hold’s blog on the process he is going thru to adopt a child.

It would be nice if I had a partner to help me but that is not a certainty in life so waiting around for it to happen is stupid, in my opinion. I have a lot to offer a kid. Gay or straight, I could give him a good home. I guess I’m just growing up. In years past, I wasn’t ready to have a kid as I wasn’t willing to give up the free time in my life. I think I’ve grown past that now.

3 thoughts on “Baby On Board”

  1. I had finally decided the time was right for me to adopt a child. I had babysat my nephews many times and it was great. A lesbian, who already has some children, suggested I get a dog first.

    OMG!!! I got a pupply and now can’t imagine being responsible for a child 24/7. You ALWAYS have to make arrangements for the dog when you are gone and you can’t put a kid in a cage when they’re bad.

    Moby, get a dog first.

  2. I have 2 nephews and everytime I see them I leave wanting a child. My 1-yr old nephew smiles and laughs so much when I’m around, I pick him up and he hugs me – there’s almost nothing better than the feeling of being loved and wanted by a ‘little rat’ and by creating joy for a child.

    I’m 41 now, and I feel that time is running out for me (it takes TONS of energy to raise kids), and i’m trying to decide whether to do it – I understand your desire to have a kid, Moby. Yes, as Jeff says, its hard work. But I think the rewards are endless.

    Keep us up-to-date on your thoughts on this. I think many of us are going through these process of deciding to have a child, as this is something so possible for us now that wasn’t as common even 5 years ago.

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