Only in SF

Trying to put myself in a better mood, I thoughd I’d share a funny occurence overheard on the subway this morning between two trannys.

Tranny1: Rambling about men and a breakup

Tranny2: don’t you know it.

Tranny1: I need a man!

Tranny2: No gurl! What you NEED is therapy!

It was a sorta ‘had to be there’ moment however, it was pure comedy when the little ancient looking asian lady sitting next to them burst out laughing and added “Oh Girls, it’s the men that need therapy!”

I laughed all the way home.

3 thoughts on “Only in SF”

  1. OMFG! Thanks SO much for that burst of humor. Moby, your telling of the incident made it that much more funny.

    People-watching and eavesdropping in line are favorites of mine. You can mine some serious “humor gems” there.

  2. Overheard snippets like that are so much fun. I always wish I had a video camera with me when they happen.

    I was once on the other end of one: I was on a date with someone who’d had too much gin and too much coke. We were at a small table among many small tables crowded together in a relatively quiet bar. Apropos of nothing in particular, he stood up, said some highly uncomplimentary things to me and stomped off. Everyone around us was now looking at me. Trying to look completely unflustered, I said “Oh, it’s OK. I’m his therapist.” Instant laughter. And a few people had a funny bar story to tell the next day…

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