Know Thyself

I often talk about the goals and ideals that have become important to me. My “moby-ism” today is one that I work on often. Most folks who know me would say I come across pretty confident. And in many ways I am. I’m very confident in my abilities and skills. I’m a quick study and excel at most things I take an interest in. However, it is my inner confidence that is lacking at times. I’ll skip all the yada yada about my childhood. We’ve all been there done that right?

I often battle w/a lack of confidence in myself. Thanks in part to a certain blogger, I’m discovering it’s not so much my lack of confidence but how I value myself that needs adjustment. I frequently see qualities in others that I admire and value greatly. Qualities I myself possess. Maybe not as refined at times but still there. I’m a little bit shocked it’s taken me this long to see the distinction.

Realization is not enough obviously. However, I see it as a milestone in my attempts to overcome my shortcomings.

One thought on “Know Thyself”

  1. Your Moby-ism for the day strikes a cord with me today. I too can convey an image confidence but my insides can be churning a mile a minute, the lack of self confidence known only to me. I have to say its hard sometimes having confidence in oneself when you don’t necessarily get the applause, the accolades, the acknowledgement one needs to feel that their actions, their life is making a difference.

    But I do try to remind myself and I know I am making headway. It’s obvious your doing the same.

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