Who da?

So in completely random news, I’m liking the new phone. The sd drive is screwy so Tmobile is sending me a new one. In the mean time, I’m liking it.

Here’s a snapshot from the new camera.
Crazy Fag

Not up to par with my digital one but not bad for a phone cam. It’s 1.3 megapixels. I never used the camera on the old one, it was horrible. This one will be ok I guess.

5 thoughts on “Who da?”

  1. Damn.. you look good. (*giggle)

    I have to admmist for a phone camera, that pic is much better than many I’ve seen. It’s actually pretty clear and absent that haze-like appearance so often found in phone pics.

  2. Nice one so Runway 2 is not clear for take off…I love those headsets. It is a nice photo and I can admit you are the only person I know who has T-mobile and I work in the wireless field.

  3. I have a 1.3 MP camera on my phone, too. It’s a Nokia 6682 and it takes decent pics.

    Glad you’re liking your new phone. I’m kind of a nerd, too.

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