3 thoughts on “About”

  1. “Being true to yourself involves understanding and acceptance as much as honesty”.

    Great quote. As it is one of the most important pillars in the, for lack of a better term, “journey” we are all on various stages of.

    I, like many people found out that to know yourself is enlightening, however what it can take is in no way pleasant, and it certainly doesn’t feel like there is a point to it when you confront the truths you have so circuitously avoided. If one can get beyond that, it has the potential to be life changing.

    As to the “about” site are you changing your blog page or integrating it with the style of the about page? Both are cool, but probably not together.

  2. I have always liked the futuristic style that you have the ‘about’ page set up in. Just damn different but relatively clean.

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