9/11 – Movie

No, I won’t be watching this movie anytime soon if ever. I have a real problem w/the making of this movie so soon after the disaster. I was fortunate not to loose anyone in the attacks. Several of my co-workers were not so lucky. Working where I do, I am privy to certain facts not generally available to the public.

And even not being there first-hand, the pain and anquish is still very fresh in my mind. I do know folks who survived it firsthand. To ask them to relive one of the greatest tragedies in our history so soon is offensive, in my opinion.

That said, I’m not urging others not to see it. I feel strongly enough to speak out and that’s enough for me.

5 thoughts on “9/11 – Movie”

  1. I agree completely. It’s another suspiciously-timed bit of propaganda to stir up emotions as the drums of war (next stop, Iran!) begin to beat again.

  2. As someone who actually was there, and was injured in the attack on the world trade center by falling debris, which I still cary a scar from, I see both sides here.

    Too soon? Perhaps. Timing rather suspicious ~ an unequivical yes! But to many, many of those who lost loved ones in the attacks, this film has brought something to their lives that they needed.

    I realize we will always have very negative and dark images around this event. I know I will. Though it sounds rather trite,this has to be viewed a form of healing for some.

    I will be seeing it, and I won’t even try to explain, but it is something I have to do. So from that perspective, I have no choice but to support whatever decision one makes that serves them best. Ultimately it is a very individual decision.

  3. I’ve been avoiding all coverage of 9/11 agtermath, memorial, and any literature that is concomitant to the event. Is that really necessary to rekindle, and to stir up the pain among those who actually experienced it? To me it’s all hype and propaganda. When the 9/11 investigation committee publish the 9/11 report, I passed the book for the same reason. I never read the report and I will not go see the movie.

  4. Moby.

    I think Al nailed it. I agree, the timing, as always is suspicious. But for many this is a healing process. Sometimes people look for portions of answers for their loss in these productions. I only hope that the film is produced with integrity and reasonable accuracy to give credence to what those that lost their lives went through as well as the injured and those that lost family/friends.

    I will watch because it will only serve to deepen my feelings for compassion and for peace amongst individuals of all walks of life.

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