At It Again

I didn’t really think people pay attention to post times but apparently they do. After a flurry of emails wondering why I was posting at 4 in the morning, I stand corrected.

No bitches it’s not THAT. Get your mind out of my gutter. *g* Every now and then, I get restless at night and I find sitting in front of the computer calms me and helps me get sleepy. Sure enough, after about 30 minutes of mindless surfing, I feel my eyes getting heavy and I’m off to bed again. I didn’t get up till almost noon so I guess I was tired.

Chad Fox stood me up for lunch today too. That rat bastard! I waited by the phone…I lost 15lbs….I’m so over him. NEXT! lol Just kidding of course, even though he did stand me up. Story of my life I guess. *sigh* That’s ok, Dan turning 40 is meeting me at the Eagle to help console me over a beer. And I can’t remember if I mentioned this but apparently a local porn star thinks I’m THE moby. Chaddie boy had a hand it that as well. I’m not sure if I should be flattered or not. I’m way cuter than THE moby. Or so I like to think. Although, at least he can sing. I couldn’t carry a note if my life depended on it. Oh, and I’m not very good at pulling off a british accent. That’s ok though, I’ll wait until aftewards to break the news to him. *eg*

What else? Uh…hum…Let’s see. I think there is a scandal brewing in the blogworld. Only time will tell where it leads but yours truly is optimistic as always.

And with that in mind, I’m off to be a dirty whore at the Eagle.

8 thoughts on “At It Again”

  1. No Pete, the porn star thouht I was Moby the singer/dj not another porn star.

    He wasn’t there today. (whew)

  2. Okay…I’m sorry I stood you up. But you know why…I need to stop forgetting to charge my phone or maybe spend the night at my house once in a while.

    Anyway, I never actually said you were Moby the singer, but for some reason my friends thought you were him so I didn’t say you WERE’NT just to have some fun.

    At any rate, it was great seeing you yesterday and to make up for me standing you up, feel free to use me as your personal rag/sponge.

  3. Sorry I have to stop reading when my reading comprehension skills fall below a certain level. The problem is I haven’t found out what that happens to be.

    Did you slap the bith? You are a million times hotter than the singer.

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