Drama 102

*Today’s little rant involves high school shinanigans so if you are above such things, feel free to skip it.*

I figured it was time to put my two cents in since everyone has been pounding my inbox for my views on it. I’m flattered so many of you value my thoughts. However, I encourage you to make up your own minds.

Some drama has been occuring in the blogworld as of late. And you know my feelings on drama. I stayed out of it as I felt it wasn’t really my fight. However, the fallout over it has involved me in a very real world way and I’m compelled to speak up. In a nutshell this little drama started over God of Biscuits feeling slighted by comments on Bent Collective’s blog. So, in return, he felt the need to strike back w/allegations of his own. Allegations that BC is a complete farse, it’s writers are one person and the blog itself is all lies. A tale w/all the makings of a high school bitch fight wouldn’t you say?

Well, GOB did some digging and discovered some inconsistencies in BC’s writing. Nothing ground shaking but it raised questions. Fair enough. With that in mind he published his findings along w/his beliefs. No problem there as it is his blog, he can do with it as he sees fit. However, in my eyes he lost any claim to the “moral high ground” after the nasty way he went about it, allowing some pretty despicable comments to appear on his blog, and gloating over his success. Two wrongs never make a right in my opinion. Worse still, people who’ve never even read BC felt the need to weigh in and feign disgust. GOB claimed he was libeled and this was his vindication. Well that may be true enough but I grew out of such childish behavior at the age of 15. Or so I like to think. But hey, what do I know, I’m just a hick from East TX after all.

And for the record, I’ve never read BC give anyone ‘medical advice’ as has been claimed. Oh sure, lots of ideas and opinions thrown out on very hot issues like HIV, politics, mistreatment of women, etc but no actual advice.

Where does that leave me? This blog is about my struggle to be a better man. With that in mind I’m left to ponder my choices. I choose to follow my convictions. It is part of what makes me me. (How’s that for a double whatever they call it.) Right or wrong, I’ve removed GOB from my links as I don’t trust anyone who turns on you at the first sign of controversy and then gloats over it. For now, BC will remain where it is until I discover for myself the truth of it all.

And to play the devils advocate for a moment, what if it’s all true? Would I feel dup’ed? Would I feel betrayed? Yes and yes. I’d be the biggest fool of all. But, I’ve been a fool before and will again so I’m not so worried about that. As I told several of you already, if I am to be true to the parts of my id I hold dear, that is a risk I have to take. And in the worst case scenario, I’ll still sleep good at night knowing I’ve lived up to the ideal that I so strive for in my life.

You’ll notice I’ve disabled the comments. I don’t want any feedback or emails for this particular rant. It’s about me getting it off my chest and working thru my feelings. This post accomplishes that and I will speak no more of it.